This interlocking pattern full of spring's vibrancy was proposal requested by the City of Palo Alto to help calm traffic near an elementary school

The County of Alamenda commissioned a handful of artists to propose new art work for their new IT HQ in downtown Oakland. This shimmering gold piece is inspired by the efficient communication used by honey bees, hence the title "Waggle Dance".

A second part of the proposal for the County of Alameda's IT HQ in downtown Oakland, this piece is inspired by the efficient communication system used by honey bees. Shimmering hexagons would reflect changing light conditions over a bold floral backdrop.

Cameron's Line fault runs along the east side of Manhattan and denotes the platetectonic edge of the ancient continent and the softer newer soils of Brooklyn/Queens. The gallery will become an expression of this dynamic geology with pleated planes of reflected mylar folding and twisting away from the ceiling, walls and floor.

Tracking the Brownian Motion of Pollen

Installation for and industrial causeway in Greenpoint Brooklyn as a part of Nuit Blanche Light Festival in conjunction with Paul Hudson and Vivien Chin.

Graffiti City first appropriates the colorful designs donated to the public realm by street artists borrowing buildings. It then inverts the traditional rejection of such graffiti by landlords city wide by inviting it into a volunteer situation at a scale large enough to abstract the original tag. A re-re-appropriation.

Graffiti City first appropriates the colorful designs donated to the public realm by street artists borrowing buildings. It then inverts the traditional rejection of such graffiti by landlords city wide by inviting it into a volunteer situation at a scale large enough to abstract the original tag. A re-re-appropriation.

The idea is to bring people to the island to picnic before the tremendous view of Manhattan on a 140 ft long table. One end meets the water to encourage boat traffic, one end overlooks the Small Pox Hospital ruins turned green-planted outdoor gallery. Part boat dock, part invitation to performance art (linear dance!), and completely alluring for moments of casual respite.